Unpacking the Baggu Phenomenon

Written by: Clare Touhey

Okay, time to come clean. I have an addiction. And no, surprise surprise it’s not to Diet Coke. It’s to the brand Baggu. At the moment I have six Baggu products. That might not sound like that much, and I thought so to that’s why there’s another in the cart and maybe another on the way. Some might ask does this addiction ever get to you, doesn’t it add up? Well, all I can say to that is I do have multiple jobs. 

Nearly everyone in my life knows about my Baggu obsession, whether that be my family, friends, or even my supervisors at work. If you include the number of people who have bought Baggu products after learning about the brand from me, my number of purchases doubles to twelve. To say that the brand has a hold on me is an understatement. But in comparison to so many others my age, my addiction pales in comparison. This of course begs the question, how and why has Baggu become so successful? Here’s a few reasons that might explain it:

  1. Environmental focus: Spearheaded by the likes of Greta Thunberg, it’s no secret that Gen Z values the environment. Aside from simply joining eco-consious movements, the age group also expresses their concern through the products they use, and even more so, the products they purchase. Baggu’s prioritization of sustainability practices throughout their production process then perfectly primes the brand for success with that age group. Not only does the brand offer seasonal drops to limit waste and promote sustainability, but they use entirely recycled materials in hopes of eliminating single use plastic bags. With such a clear commitment to the environment, it should be no surprise that the brand has found success with its current consumer base.

  2. Aesthetic Appeal: Pink, gingham, cloud-patterned, you name it, Baggu has got it. While Baggu may have centered their brand around utility, they certainly have not sacrificed style in the process. Unlike other reusable bags, Baggu offers entire lines of unique designs that appeal to a variety of customers with a wide ranging interests. Through their perfectly currated Instgram feeds and on-trend launches such as their current European summer inspired drop, Baggu has made sustainability not only cute, but accessible.

  3. Community Connection: In an age of constant disconnectedness, one of Baggu’s biggest appeals by far is the community of eco-concious customers it has created. Instead of relying solely on models for their content, Baggu frequently reposts user generated content, meaning that most of the people you see on their social media accounts are real customers. Scrolling through Baggu’s Instagram page, you would think that being cool is a required prerequisite to owning one of their bags. Each customer reposted on their accounts have an air of effortless put togetherness, each with their own style, but wholly themselves. By doing so, Baggu sells not only their products, but the idea that you too can belong to an exclusive club of eco-focused consumers, that you too are one of their naturally aesthetic bag owners. All you need to do is press add to cart.

To say the least, Baggu is truly a marketing phenomenon. Not only have they filled a need in the market, but they have bridged the gap between sustainable values and fashion. In doing so they have secured the loyalty of a generation of customers for years to come. Safe to say I don’t think my addiction is ending anytime soon.


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