My Journey as a Digital Marketing Strategy Intern

Written by: Emma Sergei

Stepping into the world of digital marketing, I embarked on an enriching journey as a summer intern at nContext, a small digital marketing/advertising agency. This experience not only provided me with valuable insights into the dynamic realm of digital marketing but also allowed me to witness firsthand the workings of a close-knit team striving for excellence. From day one I was immersed in the fast-paced environment of the agency. My initial days were dedicated to understanding the core concepts of digital marketing, including social media management, content creation, and how to create and build ad plans. With patience and guidance from my mentors, I quickly found myself maneuvering through the technicalities of Meta Ads Manager, community management, and internal marketing.

One of the highlights of interning at nContext was the opportunity to wear multiple hats. During my summer interning at nContext, I was also participating in an accelerated program to learn about tech marketing at a large corporation. While completing this program, I learned that larger corporations have strictly defined roles within marketing, whereas a small agency allows you to contribute to various projects, each with unique challenges. One day I would be brainstorming creative social media content for internal marketing, and the next I was diving into writing copy, creating ad plans, and building ads on Facebook. This versatility not only broadened my skill set but also nurtured my adaptability and problem-solving abilities.

Working with a small agency, came with a strong sense of camaraderie. The close-knit team fostered an environment where every idea was valued and collaboration was key. Weekly meetings and brainstorming sessions were a melting pot of creativity as team members shared insights, discussed strategies, and brainstormed innovative solutions to challenges. The team’s emphasis on camaraderie and strong relationships truly showed through at the Q3 Offsite, I have never felt more a part of a team in any prior work experience. During this Offsite, we engaged in discussion about where the agency started and where they hope to go in future years, highlights from the quarter, as well as a fun ladder golf tournament and some bowling to bring the team together. This collaborative culture not only amplified my learning experience but also enabled me to forge lasting professional relationships.

One of the most exciting aspects of my internship was the freedom to unleash my creative prowess. Whether it was crafting compelling ad copy, designing visually appealing graphics for internal, or building engaging social media campaigns. While I have a background in graphic design, I have never had the opportunity to create graphics for internal marketing, this was a whole new challenge for me. Developing content on a subject matter I am still learning about is difficult but it pushed me to become more versed in the ever-changing digital world. Overall, this creative freedom pushed me to think outside the box and continuously seek fresh approaches to digital marketing challenges. 

Interning at nContext allowed me to interact directly with clients, a privilege that significantly enhanced my communication and client management skills. From understanding the unique business goals to tailoring ad plans to align with their vision. I gained a deeper appreciation for the role of personalized marketing solutions in fostering strong relationships with clients. 

My journey as a Digital Marketing Strategy Intern was nothing short of transformative. I walked away with not only a wealth of technical knowledge but also a newfound confidence in my ability to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing. The experience reaffirmed my passion for creativity, collaboration, and continuous learning, setting a solid foundation for my future endeavors in the exciting world of digital marketing. 


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