AMA’s Case Competition Team is off to New Orleans

Written by: Sarah Swank

Each year, AMA Nationals invites chapters from around the country to participate in their annual case competition in partnership with a featured brand or organization. Some noteworthy recent partners include The Wall Street Journal, Amazon Prime Student, and PODS. This year, AMA partnered with the Sheth Foundation to challenge students to formulate an integrated marketing campaign highlighting current sustainability concerns and social marketing causes for a company to adopt. 

This year’s case in particular was unique because our campaign needed to not only answer the task from the foundation but also apply to any company or industry that may choose to incorporate our proposed campaign. However, our chapter was more than ready to rise to the occasion with these new expectations. Over 2 months we navigated the nuanced process of constructing a cohesive campaign aimed to increase transparency and awareness surrounding sustainable business practices between brands and the consumer. Even though we were working under considerable time constraints, the experience proved invaluable as we not only had the opportunity to demonstrate our talents as future marketers but also improved upon our time management and organizational skill sets.

While our chapter of AMA enthusiastically participates in each annual case competition, we have never been selected as finalists. However, this year we were ecstatic to discover that we’d made GWU AMA history as first-time finalists. As finalists, we are invited to present at their annual International Collegiate Conference (ICC) to vie for a chance to win the overall competition in New Orleans from April 11-13th. The ICC will be an unforgettable experience to both network with industry professionals and like-minded peers, as well as participate in informative workshops led by passionate marketers. Overall, I couldn’t be more proud of our chapter and what my fellow case competition teammates have accomplished in such a short time, and we are so excited to demonstrate what our chapter is made of in New Orleans this week!


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